That is an excellent question, Steve. Well let's see the ingredients for an alter. They mainly consist of three things, the desire, place, and sacrifice.
First, we need to have the desire to make it and beyond making it, we need to use it. Back in the Old Testament, when Kings of Israel were not right with God, they would abandon the alters of the God of Israel or destroy it.
So, first is the desire, second, we can see that with the three patriarchs there was always a specific place. We can make that place our offices, a room, or some place in the house that we could consecrate and use it as an altar. We can pray anywhere, but if we can turn a specific place in our home into a place where we go with the intention of seeking after God, we can feel his presence.
And lastly, we need the Sacrifice, and the best Sacrifices that we can offer on the are our obedience (1 Samuel 15:22) and ourselves on a daily basis (Romans 12:1).
And there is our homemade alter that we can use to give thanks to the Lord and find him. Sacrificing to Him our very best.